Designing a model of professional ethics for athletes

Document Type : culture


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Management, Payame Noor University

2 Assistant Professor of Sports Management Department, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


It is essential to spread moral values in today's world. Sports in the dimensions of championship, general, educational and professional need a new approach in order to provide the basis for moral development and sports behaviors. The spiritual and moral spirit of sports can be manifested in athletes and be considered as a moral symbol of sports in the society.  The research method was quantitative-qualitative and practical in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part included 15 prominent professors in the field of sports management, experts in the field of ethical behavior and ethics in sports, who were selected through targeted sampling based on a theoretical approach and semi-structured individual interview criteria. In the quantitative part, the statistical population included 140 athletes from Kermanshah province, and 103 people were selected as a statistical sample using the stratified random method and based on Cochran's formula. The research tool was the use of a researcher-made questionnaire. PLS statistical software, structural equation model and confirmatory factor analysis method were used for data analysis. The findings show that the model and model of institutionalizing professional ethics among athletes has a good fit and the effect of variables on professional ethics shows that attitude and motivation on professional ethics with an impact coefficient of 0.21 and t value 2.166, environment on professional ethics with path coefficient 0.71 and t value 13.795, management on professional ethics with path coefficient 0.28 and t value 2.680, users on professional ethics with path coefficient 68 0.0 and t-value 13.183 and institution had a positive and significant effect on professional ethics with an impact factor of 0.31 and t-value 3.130. The first step in achieving ethical sports organizations is to identify and correctly understand the concept of professional ethics of athletes, because by recognizing, planning and creating mechanisms for the operationalization of professional ethics among athletes, the process of institutionalizing ethics can be facilitated. Kurdish and witnessed the ethics in the sports of the country.
