Content Analysis of Sport Diplomacy Studies in Iran

Document Type : diplomacy


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism Management, School of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Human Sciences, Technical and Vocational University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Sport Management ,, Kerman, Branch Islamic Azad University, , Iran


Sports as tool of soft power in today's world play a significant role in strengthening the public diplomacy of countries. Considering the ever-increasing scope of sports diplomacy studies in the last decade in the country, the aim of this research was to analyze the content of sports diplomacy studies in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The statistical population of the current research was equal to the statistical sample and equal to 53 research works in this field, which according to different concepts in 16 different categories (economic consequences, interactions with the West, interactions with Saudi Arabia, women, the second step of the revolution, Football diplomacy, ship diplomacy, empowerment and development, armed forces, qualitative and quantitative models, future studies, content analysis, historical course, peace building, human capital) were divided. The findings of the present research showed that due to the passing of sports diplomacy studies from the era of literature creation and contamination with the use of extractive concepts, the need to pay more and more attention to the studies of this field in the formulation of sports political governance policies can solve many issues and the current sufferings of the country's sports will fade in the future. Among the 27 publications that have so far indexed at least one article in this field (14 sports science journals and 13 political science and international relations journals), Journal of Communication Management in Sports Media (7), Sports Management Studies (6), sports management (4), strategic studies of sports and youth (4), new approaches in sports management (3) and management and organizational behavior studies in sports, Olympic cultural and social studies, social and cultural strategy, sciences Sports and political science have each published two articles in this field. In addition, paying attention to concepts such as soft power, politicization and strategy presentation, global experiences and comparative studies have been repeated the most; So far, Iran's sports diplomatic interactions with the countries of Saudi Arabia, the United States, China, the UAE, Oman, Russia and Qatar have been analyzed.
